Bereavement Specialists & Staff

For 25 years, Companions on a Journey has created a safe environment for those who grieve. Our staff members are nationally recognized facilitators through the American Academy of Bereavement (AAB), the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention (AFSP), Certified QPR Gatekeeper Instructors (Question, Persuade, Refer) for the prevention of suicide and postvention and members of the National Catholic Ministry to Bereaved.  We lead support groups for bereaved children, teens, families, and adults as well as provide support, crisis response and education in local schools, in corporations and other organizations within the community including first responders, health care workers and other essential workers.

Meet Our Team

Bereavement Specialists

Paula Eggebrecht, MSW, LSW

School-based and Adult Bereavement Specialist

Paula Eggebrecht, MSW, LSW

Erin Frey, MSW

School-based Bereavement Specialist

Erin Frey

Laura Holmes, MSW, LISW

School-based Program Manager

Laura Holmes, MSW, LISW

Ann Marie Kahwaty-Bogan, MSW, LISW-S, CCTP

Clinical Supervisor

Ann Marie Kahwaty-Bogan, MSW, LISW-S, CCTP

Sheila Munafo-Kanoza

Founder & Executive Director, Bereavement Specialist

Sheila Munafo-Kanoza

Faith Nicolet, MSW

School-based Bereavement Specialist

Faith Nicolet

Bereavement Facilitators

Heather Alessandro

Bereavement Facilitator

Heather Alessandro

Carla Brenner

Bereavement Facilitator

Carla Brenner

Deborah Butturini

Bereavement Facilitator

Deborah Butturini

Patricia Buckley, BSW

Teens in Grief Co-Founder and Moeller Grief Group Facilitator

Patricia Buckley, BSW

Tom Kanoza

Director and Advanced Bereavement Facilitator

Tom Kanoza

Paul Korchak

Bereavement Facilitator

Paul Korchak

Julie Leonard

Bereavement Facilitator

Julie Leonard

Hershel Million

Bereavement Facilitator

Hershel Million

Crystal Prychdiko

Bereavement Facilitator

Crystal Prychdiko


Ann Gundlach

Marketing & Social Media Coordinator

Ann Gundlach

Alyssa Louagie

Community Development Manager

Alyssa Louagie

Tracey Nugent

Director of Finance

Tracey Nugent

Maureen Rieder

Operations Manager

Maureen Rieder

Lisa Schwartz

Data Specialist

Lisa Schwartz