What I like best about COJ…
“I think about my COJ friends every day.”
– Kindergartener, Bridgeport Elementary
COJ Children in Grief School-based Group participant
What COJ means to me…
“COJ is a blessing! They listened, cared, and
let me know I was not alone!”
– COJ Hope & Healing after a Suicide Loss participant
What I like best about COJ…
“I like that we get to express our feelings…
and let some grief/weight off of our shoulders.”
– 7th Grader, Liberty Jr.
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
What COJ means to me…
“COJ will forever be a pillar to our family’s healing.
A true gift from God.”
– COJ Mending Hearts for Grieving Children & Families/
Young Widows Group participant
What I like best about COJ…
“With COJ, I like that there’s no pressure.
Whether you’ve lost someone big or small… it all matters.”
– Junior, Mt. Notre Dame
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
What COJ means to me…
“When I’m in pain and grieving, there’s no place I’d rather be.”
– Senior, Lakota West High School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant (4 years)
What COJ means to me…
“COJ is a safe place where my family learned
we are not alone in our grief.”
– COJ Mending Hearts for Grieving Children & Families participant
What COJ means to me…
“I love this group. So much love and understanding.”
– COJ Grief to Peace Adult Group participant
What COJ means to me…
“COJ took the most hurtful parts of my story…
and changed my journey to one of healing.”
– COJ Bereavement Facilitator
What COJ means to me…
“COJ is a safe place where I can share
my loved ones – tears and joys.”
– COJ Bereaved Parent Support Group participant
What COJ means to me…
“COJ gave me a place to cry, to be heard, and
to connect with people who truly knew what I was going through.
– COJ Widowed Group participant
What COJ means to me…
“COJ was a life raft in my sea of unbearable grief.”
Bereaved Father, COJ Bereaved Parents Support Group
What COJ means to me…
“COJ helped me cope with my ‘new normal’
after the loss of my husband of 20 years.”
– COJ Mending Hearts for Grieving Children & Families participant
What COJ means to me…
“COJ changed every part of my life.”
– COJ Bereavement Facilitator
What COJ means to me…
“It has been comforting to meet and talk with (and sometimes laugh with!)
people who had lost their spouses at a young age.”
– COJ Young Widows Support Group participant
What COJ means to me…
“You have made me feel better about myself. Thank you!”
– 4th Grader , Freedom Elementary
COJ Children in Grief School-based Group participant
What COJ means to me…
“COJ is a safe place… No masks needed.”
– COJ Bereaved Parent Support Group participant
What I like best about COJ…
“What’s said in group is confidential.
Whatever I share will be respected.”
Junior, Moeller High School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
What COJ means to me…
“COJ was there for us when we needed them most.”
– COJ Bereaved Parent Support Group participant
What I want to say to those who support COJ…
“What you guys do for me and my friends is so amazing!”
– Junior, Chaminade Julienne
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant (3 years)
What I want to say to those who support COJ…
“You’ve changed my life for the better.”
– Junior, Chaminade Julienne
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant (3 years)
What I want to say to those who support COJ…
“Your action is creating a ripple effect.”
– 2019 Spring into Healing Grief Retreat participant
What I want to say to those who support COJ…
“Thank you for all of the love and concern you all
have showed me over the years.”
– Senior, Lakota West High School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant (4 years)
What I want to say to those who support COJ…
“Honestly I do not know where I would be without this group.
Thank you so much!!”
– Freshman, Ross High School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
What I want to say to those who support COJ…
“This group has helped me get through the school year,
and be who I really am around others.”
– Freshman, LaSalle High School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
What I want to say to those who support COJ…
“Thank you so much. Ya’ll are awesome!”
– Sophomore, Lakota West High School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
Quotes to use under Resources/School
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
“It’s okay. I’ve been through it too.”
– 6th Grader, Adena Elementary
COJ Children in Grief School-based Group participant
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
“Take your time, don’t rush the process.”
– Sophomore, Lakota West High School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
“Sadness is something you feel,
so you don’t have to make trouble.”
– 5th Grader, Fairwood Elementary
COJ Children in Grief School-based Group participant
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
“Stay calm and breathe.”
– 8th Grader, Middletown Middle School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
“There’s always hope.”
– 8th Grader, Middletown Middle School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
“Speak to someone before your grief speaks for you!”
– Senior, Lakota West High School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
“It’s not your fault.”
– 8th Grader, Middletown Middle School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
“It’s okay to let your sadness out.
No one will judge you.”
– 6th Grader, Middletown Middle School
COJ Children in Grief School-based Group participant
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
“Don’t take your anger out on your friends and family.”
– 6th Grader, Adena Elementary
COJ Children in Grief School-based Group participant
What I would tell a friend who’s grieving…
“You are not alone”
Junior, Moeller High School
COJ Teens in Grief School-based Group participant