December and the holiday season bring quite a mix of emotions. It’s both a time full of joy and laughter, yet also a time with increased stress, complicated relationships, and a lack of sunshine. This all leads some people, especially those grieving, to experience increased depressive symptoms. But there are several things we can do to best prepare ourselves to manage the ups and downs.

First, we can support our physical and mental health through what we eat. There is a lot of amazing food we eat during the holidays that isn’t especially beneficial for our health. You can still eat and enjoy that food at your celebrations if you focus on supporting your health on the other days with healthy foods that help you feel your best.

Second, plan ahead for activities that you know may be difficult. If you know you will be entering into an uncomfortable situation, figure out some things in advance that help you self-regulate and then tap into those helps when you come up against a difficult time.

Third, pick your battles wisely. Sometimes your self-care commitment will compel you to avoid certain gatherings or situations. If so, don’t compromise. But you can’t avoid everything, so go back to our second point and be prepared for the battles you will choose to face. Practice some self-awareness, think ahead of time about what conversations might set you off, and have a strategy to avoid those conversations or politely excuse yourself from the conversation and move on.

Most importantly, practice grace with yourself. Holidays are wonderful times and tough times for all of us. Remember that you’re human and doing the best that you can. We here at COJ believe in you! Happy holidays!