Overcoming negative thoughts

Overcoming negative thoughts

One aspect of self-care that is often overlooked is mental self-care. We think thousands of thoughts every day; these thoughts have a big impact on our feelings. Our feelings then influence our behaviors and choices, which ultimately makes up how we live our lives!...
Commit to activities that bring you joy

Commit to activities that bring you joy

 Depending on the season of life that you’re in, life can feel quite busy. This can make it difficult to find time to do the things that you really love. Add in the challenge of coping with all that comes with grief, and it likely is even harder to engage in...
May’s Self-Care Corner

May’s Self-Care Corner

Small things can help regulate difficult emotions Emotional self-care is a critical part of the healing process after the loss of a loved one, although this may look different for different people, as everyone has different emotional processes and needs. Being able to...
April’s Self-Care Corner

April’s Self-Care Corner

Use movement to help clear your mind.This month, our groups will explore how movement can be a great way to help care for ourselves. Movement can benefit us both mentally and physically. Movement can aid us in our ability to do daily activities. And movement can also...

March’s Self-Care Corner

Soak Up the Sunshine! As the seasons change from winter to spring, one thing we love at COJ is the extra sunlight during the afternoon and evening hours! Lack of sunlight can contribute to a low mood for many individuals. Now that the sun will be out more, we...
February’s Self-Care Corner

February’s Self-Care Corner

When you are grieving, you are going through an immensely difficult time in your life. But self-care can play a very important role because it can be used to help you through, to reground you, or to keep your mind from wandering too much. There are many different...